Doctor Who: 10 Writers Who Should Never, Ever Return

8. Jamie Mathieson

Moving on to a rather new Doctor Writer, Jamie has managed to pull you up from your couches and flail you around with his extremely scary and livid monsters, such as the Boneless and the Mummy on the Orient Express, which on their own were two massively frightening scenarios that were seemingly lacking in Series 8. And, as always, the thrill of a lifetime. Then again, it€™s all a bunch of baloney. You don€™t need all of this in a Doctor Who episode. None of it is in far reach of common sense, the dialogues are strong, the characters really get to shine with the Doctor/Clara power-couple taken to a whole new level... It just doesn€™t quite cut it. CGI won't help shake things up a bit like it€™s intended to when there isn't much to work with anyhow. Tried and tested is the way to go. There's no point being in tune with what works in modern television.

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