3. MightyOtaking's 3rd Doctor Anime
This fantastic 13 minute animated trailer features the 3rd Doctor in a stereotypically 1980s anime style, battling Daleks AND Cybermen in a future Tokyo! It has a few meh bits, but overall is a great, if short, look at what a Macross inspired Doctor Who series could have been like, with Jon Pertwees Doctor karate chopping thugs with a scantily clad, big-eyed girl by his side.
Drawn, animated and partially voiced by Paul Otaking Johnson himself, with other voices taken from classic episodes, the original has unfortunately been taken off the net. Dont fret though, as it was taken down due to Mr. Johnson being hired on by Theta-Sigma as an animator on the lost episode The Reign of Terror for 2Entertain!
Even though the original is gone, it HAS been re-uploaded by Youtube user Godna. This is well worth a look for classic Doctor Who fans, or those new to the series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt3qZYUPi2Y