Doctor Who: 11 Most Endearing Eleven Moments

2. Clara€™s Sickbed and €œClever Clocks€

15 Okay, again, I€™m cheating. These moments are both endearing for the same reason, but they were both just so lovely I couldn€™t resist. So lay off me, imaginary-accusatory-staring-people! When Clara has just died and come back (again), the Doctor takes her upstairs and tucks her into bed. But he doesn€™t just do that€”he goes manic and makes up a whole sickbed for her. He runs around getting a glass of water, a vase of flowers, and some biscuits. Sure, he eats one of the biscuits€”but notice that, when Clara wakes up, that€™s how she knows she€™s not alone. The whole thing shows how much he cares about Clara, and how happy he is to have found her. cookie So does the other moment classified under €œClara.€ The Doctor paces about, trying to figure out what Mrs. Gillyflower€™s plan in €œThe Crimson Horror€ is. Clara tries to stop him twice to tell him the answer, until she actually has to physically hold him still. 16 Then the Doctor gets this smile, and calls her €œClever Clocks.€ She answers with €œMiss me?€ And he mutters €œYeah, lots.€ 17 And you know from his delivery that he really, really means it.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at