Doctor Who: 11 Most Endearing Eleven Moments

1. €œSee ya!€ €œThat€™s cheating!€

18 This one isn€™t traditionally endearing, but for the Doctor it€™s a wonderful encapsulation of his nature. You see, if the Doctor were in Star Wars he would be Han Solo, not Luke Skywalker. He€™s a scoundrel, not a white knight. Sometimes he plays the part of the knight so much that people forget about that. And some writers don€™t get it. But Gaiman knows that the Doctor€™s a scoundrel in his hearts. Seeing the Doctor struggle with the cyberplanner all episode is rough. There€™s a real risk that something bad could happen, and the Doctor wouldn€™t be able to stop it. So seeing his victory, watching him taunt the bad guy, is, dare I say, heartwarming. How does the Doctor defeat the cyberplanner? He cheats.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at