Doctor Who: 11 Nostalgic Theme Tunes Of The New Generation

10. A Lonely Decision Listen closely and you will hear this sweet but simple melody wafting through the atmosphere of The Beast Below. As you may recall, the Doctor was confronted with a difficult choice in the episode, whether to mercifully kill a star whale and alleviate its ongoing torture or allow it to live freely while thousands of others onboard the Starship UK would perish. Without a star whale tethered to the spacecraft, the vessel would splinter into a million pieces and so would the last of humankind. The Doctor did not have to make this decision alone, however. Amelia Pond recognised the loneliness that time had etched into the Doctor's eyes and showed him how the universe is kinder than he may think. And that even the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm, possesses a kindness that can glimmer through... Whenever this song plays, it brings to mind the intimate and rooted friendship shared between the Eleventh Doctor and Amy. At first, Amy idolised him. He was a magical hero who could vanquish the monsters lying under her bed. Now, she sees a lonely man, carrying a universe of burdens on his shoulders. Yet in the midst of his own troubles, he cannot bear to see a child crying. He cannot bear to watch another lonely soul suffer. Perhaps, then, the Doctor is still that magical hero of Amy's childhood fantasies after all. After all, loneliness is the most powerful monster of them all.
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Anna is an aspiring writer who has an incurable obsession with Doctor Who. When she is not writing about Doctor Who, she's watching favorite episodes and contemplating what to write next. When she's writing about Doctor Who, she anticipates her reward: watching yet another Doctor Who episode. She also manages to read science fiction (especially Ray Bradbury), recite lines from Shakespeare's Macbeth, and make terrible puns in her free time (she likes to imagine she has great puntential, though)