Doctor Who: 12 NuWho Characters Who Should've Been Companions
7. Psi
Psi was another of the flood of potential companions that appeared in Series 8, teaming up with Twelve, Clara and the shapeshifter Saibra for Time Heist. Initially, Psi is confrontational with the Doctor, questioning his authority and his behaviour - not something that bodes well for any character, let alone one with an entry on a could-have-been-companions list. As the episode went on, viewers found out more about Psi; the fact that he'd sacrificed his memories to protect those he loved, and his selfless nature in luring the Teller away from Clara. His willingness to stand up to the Doctor also became an attribute, and would have been interesting In the end, and with a successful heist out of the way, Psi seemed willing to do it all again, suggesting that he was over his problems with the Doctor. Though he didn't become a full-time companion, the amicable departure leaves the door open for the character to return should the writers wish it.