Doctor Who 12th Wishlist - 13 Probable, Plausible And Impossible Replacements For Matt Smith

3. Kate Winslet




Like Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet needs no introduction and, like Helen Mirren, she is one of the finest living actresses. Which is pretty damn impressive considering that she€™s a full 30 years younger. According to Russell Davies, she was the first choice to play River Song before the role went to Alex Kingston. That ship has sailed, obviously (Melody Pond€™s penchant for regenerating, notwithstanding), but I find the idea of her playing the Doctor even more intriguing. Naysayers will always nay, but from Heavenly Creatures to Titanic to The Reader, Winslet has been both a box office and a critical darling, so if the BBC is worried about losing viewers with a female Doctor, she€™s the answer. She might even make the show MORE popular...

WHY HER: Talent and acclaim aside (because, you know€ what do those things matter€?), Winslet possesses one of those rare traits present in every actor ever to play the Doctor: she can carry herself with a noble, near-aristocratic bearing and also be unapologetically, unashamedly goofy. Smart, sexy, witty, quirky, commanding, and - above all - FUN, Winslet€™s Doctor could take you on the joyride of a lifetime, while never losing sight of the burdens she would quietly, stoically bear. (Wow, that DOES sound good, doesn€™t it€? Come on, admit it, naysayers: Not only would you watch it, you€™d LOVE it. And eventually you€™d have to admit that she belonged in the role...) Unfortunately, while there€™s probably nothing this woman can€™t do, there are probably a few things she won€™t; and, even though she got her start in Russell Davies€™ short-lived Dark Season way back when, I have a feeling that, these days, committing to play the lead in a sci-fi TV series is one of them.

SEE HER IN: Anything. From Revolutionary Road to those American Express commercials€ She€™s brilliant in everything. That said, Michael Gondry€™s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind allows her to be unrepentantly loopy€ Or check out her cameo in Ricky Gervais€™ Extras to see her really indulge her mischievously playful (if slightly vulgar) side€


Matt J. Popham is an erratic, unreliable writer, an unapologetic intellectual snob, an opinionated political loudmouth, a passionate cinephile, and a near obsessive fan of Doctor Who and punk rock. I also tend to overuse commas and ellipses... If you're on Facebook and a fan of Doctor Who, go here: This is my blog that I almost never keep up with: