Doctor Who: 13 Actors To Play The Next Master

8. Phillip Glenister

Master-Making Role: Gene Hunt in Life on Mars Yes, I am aware of the irony of Sam Tyler regenerating into Gene Hunt€ but Glenister would bring a gritty brutality to The Master. No-nonsense, easily annoyed, not likely to cackle and reveal his masterplan to Smith€™s Doctor giving him enough time to figure out how to stop him. No, he€™d beat down The Doctor and get on with the job without fuss- kind of like Bane. But I wouldn€™t want or expect him to just play it as Gene Hunt, and neither should you. With a clear-cut accent and a rugged charm, he€™d be as endearing as Smith€™s Doctor, but in a very different way.

7. Rafe Spall

Master-Making Role: Jay Wratten in The Shadow Line Soon to be seen as author Yann Martel in Ang Lee€™s Life of Pi, many of you will know him from Peter Versus Life or Prometheus, but it is his performance in The Shadow Line that makes Timothy€™s son such a compelling choice for the Seventh Master. He€™s bloody terrifying in it! He brings a youth and vitality combined with a severity and intensity we haven€™t seen in The Master without camp or exaggeration. He doesn€™t even have to raise his voice. He would be rather similar to Scott, but he nails The Master€™s murderous glee and cockiness more effectively. He makes it clear he enjoys the evil he does, and mirroring Smith€™s Doctor so closely may make it difficult for The Doctor to establish a difference between himself and his archnemesis. If The Master is what The Doctor would become if pushed too far, and we€™ve seen him being pushed to the very edge of his limits, how would he tell the difference between himself and Spall€™s Master?
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Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding