Doctor Who: 14 Actors Who Will NEVER Be The 14th Doctor

1. Olly Alexander

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor
Channel 4

Yes, Christopher Eccleston had worked with Russell T Davies prior to taking on the role as the Ninth Doctor. Yes, David Tennant had also worked with Russell prior to taking on the role of the Tenth Doctor, but it's likely that Olly Alexander will be the exception that proves the rule.

Think about it. Christopher Eccleston was the perfect actor to bring some gravitas and prestige to Doctor Who. David Tennant was a fan, an up-and-coming actor and easy casting in a pinch when Eccleston didn't renew his contract.

Olly Alexander is neither an actor of Eccleston's standing in 2005 or someone who wants to fulfil the very fantasy that got them into acting in the first place. He's played the archetypal Davies protagonist with the right balance of humour, heart and selfishness, but he's also a hugely successful musician who is going out on tour later this year, and therefore highly unlikely to be playing the next Doctor in 2023.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.