Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details In Steven Moffat & David Tennant's Silence In The Library Commentary

8. The Adorable Reason Why Moffat Scripted In The "Secret Buttons" Scene

Doctor Who Silence In The Library River Song David Tennant Alex Kingston

Midway through the episode, Charlotte sits in front of her television and flicks through the channels, before discovering that the remote she's holding features a sliding compartment, behind which is a whole new set of buttons.

According to Moffat, he only scripted this bit in because his son, Joshua, once became incredibly ecstatic when he discovered these "secret buttons" on a DVD player remote.

A lot of us probably did this when we were kids, even though - disappointingly - real-life remotes aren't capable of launching books at people. Speaking of which...

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.