Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

11. Moffat Thought It Would Take Six Episodes For Smith To Be Accepted As The Doctor

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

It's always a bit exciting when a new Doctor is about to bound onto our screens, but not every lead actor clicks with every Who fan right away. Some fans might like the new Doctor almost immediately, while others might take a few episodes to warm to them. It varies from case to case.

However, Matt Smith is a standout Doctor in this regard, because he seemed to click with the vast majority of the fanbase within his opening few scenes.

Many people cite "fish custard" as the moment when Smith "became the Doctor" in their eyes, and this must've been quite surprising for Moffat, because he didn't think that Smith would be accepted by the general public until midway through the series.

Early in the commentary, Moffat says that he thought it would take until episode six, The Vampires Of Venice - specifically, the bit where the Doctor bursts out of the giant cake - for Smith to "seal the deal".

Doctor Who The Vampires Of Venice Rory cake
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