Doctor Who: 14 Cool Details Revealed In Steven Moffat's Eleventh Hour Commentary

10. Amelia Wasn't Scottish In The Script

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Amy Pond the Doctor Matt Smith Karen Gillan

Amy Pond's Scottish-ness is one of the most memorable parts of her character. She's outspoken, confident, and a little brash at times, and her accent finely complements all of those traits. It's impossible to imagine her sounding any different.

With this in mind, it's quite surprising to hear Moffat state that the character was actually English in the original script, with Willis adding that they went "back and forth", before ultimately deciding to make her Scottish.

Karen Gillan actually auditioned for the part in her natural Scottish accent as well as an English one, and the actress has previously revealed that Amy's accent was still being debated even after she was cast.

In hindsight, it seems obvious that Amy should be Scottish, but clearly, that final decision wasn't so easy to make at the time.

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