Doctor Who: 15 Cool Details Peter Harness Just Revealed About The Zygon Invasion

13. Osgood Almost Wore The Fifth Doctor's Cricket Outfit

Doctor Who The Zygon Invasion Peter Capaldi Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman
BBC/Twitter: @mrpeterharness

Right from her first appearance in The Day of the Doctor, it's made abundantly clear that Osgood is a massive fan of the Doctor.

In that episode, she wears a multi-coloured scarf that's famously associated with Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, and then, in her next appearance (Series 8's Death in Heaven), she wears a bow-tie, a reference to Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor. Bow ties are cool.

This fangirling trend continues in The Zygon Invasion and The Zygon Inversion, where she's been raiding her cosplay cabinet once again.

In the opening scene, we see one Osgood wearing a multi-coloured scarf and bow-tie, while the other is dressed in a knitted jumper that has question marks splattered all over it, the same item worn by Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor.

Then, later in the story, Osgood can be seen wearing a shirt that has question marks on its collar, a bold fashion choice that the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors went with.

In addition, we came very close to seeing Osgood sporting another Doctor's outfit, too. According to Harness, there were talks about dressing her in the Fifth Doctor's cricket gear garb, although this ultimately never happened.

Fifth Doctor Peter Davison

The important question is... would she have worn the celery too?

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.