Doctor Who: 15 Real Historical Characters The Doctor Has Met

2. Rosa Parks

Doctor Who Churchill

The appearance of Ms Parks in the episode 'Rosa', the second of the Jodie Whittaker era, was a mightily divisive one that is still hotly debated today. The choice of Rosa Parks as part of a Doctor Who story arc was an interesting one as it was the first time the topic of racism was clearly being addressed. The result is a bit of a mixed bag, with moments that really hit home contrasting with ham fisted parts that just feels like lecturing.

The role of Parks herself is beautifully brought to life, with Vinette Robinson delivering a pitch perfect performance. The sweet natured but 'take no nonsense' persona is present from the get go and this parallels nicely with Jodie Whittaker's Doctor incarnation.

While scenes involving companions Yaz and Ryan feeling the full front of the racism while Graham receives the privileges of a white man are expertly executed, the final act falls on its face. A pathetic villain whose sole characteristic is being white and racist just doesn't work, while the incorporation of real life footage of Rosa Parks meeting with the President makes the viewer feel like we're stuck watching a cheap educational video.

It's a shame really, as the episode, just like the titular character, had some really important things to say.

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