Doctor Who: 15 Real Historical Characters The Doctor Has Met

1. Nikola Tesla

Doctor Who Churchill

The most recent addition to historical figures visited by The Doctor, the time lord's meeting with the man most known for having a car named after him was a real eye opening experience. The script is at its best when what Tesla achieved is being discussed by the companions, who, like the audience (well, this audience member anyway), know far too little about this very influential man in human history.

'Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror' begins with a mysterious alien presence targeting Tesla, with the Doctor soon coming into contact with him and quickly realising that Tesla is under attack in more ways than one. While there is clearly an alien presence that wants to get its hands on him, this is nothing compared to the hatred being drummed up against him by ex boss and now rival Thomas Edison.

The feud between these competing electrical powerhouses is handled well here, both seen as flawed and stubborn characters who were geniuses in their own right. It would have been easy to portray Edison as an out and out villain here, but thankfully this isn't the case.

As for the Doctor and Tesla, well Whittaker pretty much gushes over him the whole time, telling anyone who'll listen just how amazing he is. Considering his lack of recognition in the annals of history, it somehow seems kind of fitting.

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