Doctor Who: 30 NuWho Characters Who Would've Made Fantastic Full-Time Companions

28. Emma Grayling

Doctor Who Blink
BBC Studios

Appeared in: Hide.

It would be very harsh - and very out of character - for Emma to all of a sudden leave Major Alec Palmer (Dougray Scott) after they finally got round to holding hands. Nevertheless, a character with empathic psychic abilities, who can generate a wormhole in the middle of a 15th century mansion does have its advantages. Plus, Emma also big ticks the brave box on the companion check list.

The ever-brilliant Jessica Raine was afterwards cast in the role of Verity Lambert in the delightful An Adventure in Space and Time. A Doctor-Emma pairing would've made an intriguing dynamic, especially after her comment to Clara: "Don't trust him. There's a sliver of ice in his heart.” This is such a great line from writer Neil Cross as a microcosm of Steven Moffat's mysterious legend take on the Time Lord.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.