Doctor Who: 4 Reasons to Love "Four to Doomsday"

2. Tegan vs. Adric

who docs Let's face it, even with this being the second story of the season this scene was long overdue. From his casual sexism in part one to his insistent siding with the Monarch until part four, Adric has been positively begging for someone to throttle him right from the start. He's being even more of a know-all than usual, showing off his grasp of the theory of relativity and happily telling the bad guy everything he wants to know. Of course by this time everyone else has worked out that Monarch is not to be trusted, but despite his intelligence Adric is being incredibly stupid and even invites him to take a look around the TARDIS, though luckily someone has remembered to lock the door for once. The Doctor comes close by calling him a "young idiot" but Tegan manages to go one better in part three. By this time she's just about had enough of the whole thing (a plot like that would give anyone a headache) and has decided to get the hell back to the TARDIS as any sane soul would. No one sympathises with her so she's pretty cross, and although he should know by now not to stand in her way when that's the case, he manages to infuriate her further and in her anger she shoves him into a table and knocks him senseless (though not wholly intentionally) before storming out of the room. Don't worry, he's fine, but you can't say he didn't have it coming to him and I can't help but applaud whenever I watch this scene. And the end of episode score: Tegan one, Adric nil.
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Doctor Who
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Second-year college student from Leicester, UK. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, and have written a few fictions for the net in the past. I'm currently working on building up a portfolio in preparation to apply for a writing degree at university next year.