Doctor Who: 4 Reasons to Love "Four to Doomsday"

3. The Sets and Special Effects

fefefe Okay, so the froggy Urbankans weren't all that convincing and the space helmets were bulky and impractical, but Four to Doomsday makes up for it with some pretty impressive set design. The story kicks off with a credible model shot of the Urbankan ship flying through space, and whilst it wouldn't compare to the CGI magic you see so often in Doctor Who nowadays it's impressive for its time. Circuit panels decorate the walls, with a variety of coloured lights being used cleverly to provide the impression of different rooms and giving the feeling that we really are looking inside a gigantic spaceship. The shot of the Doctor floating through space to reach the TARDIS is a memorable one and actually doesn't look all that bad, if a little staged. There are glass processing chambers complete with sliding doors, plus a brilliant two-layer recreation room with a balcony. Apologies if I sound like an overenthusiastic interior decorator but I think this has to be one of the most aesthetically appealing episodes of the 80's era. If I were a froggy alien, this is exactly how I'd want my craft to look. Monarch is one stylish villain.
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Second-year college student from Leicester, UK. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, and have written a few fictions for the net in the past. I'm currently working on building up a portfolio in preparation to apply for a writing degree at university next year.