Doctor Who: 5 Best Dalek Defeats In NuWho

4. Doctor Who?, Asylum Of The Daleks, Series 7

Series 7 of Doctor Who opens with The Eleventh Doctor and his companions, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, captured by Daleks. However, in a twist on the usual tale, the Daleks need The Doctor's help.

He and his companions are sent to a planet where the Daleks dispose of those among them who have gone insane or otherwise damaged, to deactivate the planet's shield and allow the insane Daleks to be destroyed.

The trio are guided on their quest by Oswin Oswald, a tech-genius human girl apparently trapped on the planet. All Oswin wants in exchange for her help is the promise that The Doctor will rescue her and take her with him off the planet. Sadly, when The Doctor reaches Oswin, it turns out she had already been converted into a Dalek.

However, with the last of her humanity, Oswin ensures that the Doctor and the Ponds escape safely from the Asylum planet, then erases all memory of The Doctor from the Daleks' memories. For a while, The Doctor's greatest enemies have no idea who he is.

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Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.