Doctor Who: 5 Companions For Peter Capaldi's Doctor

2. River

Dw 60x2 Day Of The Moon 524 From the moment I heard that Matt was leaving, I knew that I could never imagine River with another Doctor. I am a very devoted Eleven and River fan and I knew that no matter who they brought on as Twelve, I would not want River to go anywhere near this man. I was so incredibly wrong. As soon as Peter Capaldi walked out when they announced his name, I felt my very strong devotion start to crack. He was her age, he was incredibly attractive, and he was incredibly dapper. This is someone River would love. Once I found more about Peter, that he is an €œadult€, he curses, he makes inappropriate jokes, and he does other things Matt€™s Doctor really never would have done, my devotion slipped even more. I was starting to want River in at least an episode with Twelve. I figured, though, that this was going to be impossible, as she had said Goodbye to the Doctor in The Name of the Doctor. My wishes were somewhat answered when Alex Kingston won Anglophenia€™s Fan Favourites Tournament, when she said €œI look forward to sharing more of her with you in the future.€ I can€™t imagine her coming back to Eleven after such a heartfelt goodbye to him in The Name of the Doctor, so I have my hopes up that she€™ll come back with Twelve. She has flat-out said that she can€™t fly in the TARDIS all the time, but I would like another story arc that features her heavily with Twelve. I can€™t imagine the chemistry they would have. I just want River back, okay?!
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I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.