Doctor Who: 5 Legacies From Trial Of A Timelord

2. Melanie Bush

Melanie Bush And now we turn to Miss Melanie Bush, computer programmer from Pease Pottage as played by Bonnie Langford. At the time this seemed really controversial - suddenly we have a new companion, no introduction, just that actress until then known for dancing and also screaming in Just William where she played Violet Elizabeth Bott. What was going on? I have to admit to having been one of those who didn't take to Mel at all. Several years later, I did get the hang of the character via the Big Finish audios, but at the time here was this bossy companion fighting the dreadful Vervoids and then running around with Glitz at the end of the story, presaging the latter story where she in fact left the show with the same Mr Glitz. And so we have Mel wandering the galaxy in the company of a rogue having hardly made our acquaintance.
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Freelance writer and fan of Doctor Who, Hawkwind and Reading FC. I like technology and have been blogging for several years. An eclectic mix, perhaps, but one that means ! am not !easy to pin down into one category! I also blog about Doctor Who at