Doctor Who: 5 More Potential Masters For Peter Capaldi's 12th Doctor

2. Hugh Laurie

I remember him mostly as Prince George, or Lieutenant George, from Blackadder. But more recently Hugh Laurie has been cast as a doctor. 'House' has become such a phenomenon on both sides of the Atlantic that some American viewers can scarcely believe that he is British at all. Yet he is, and always will be one of our acting treasures. His ability to play the genius that is House, coupled with the oblivious sarcasm and narcissism that is also House, makes it possible to imagine him facing up to the Doctor, working out his plans, laying down foundations for world domination. He is wanted to play the Doctor, but I believe that he would be more suited to the villainous role of The Master - in some ways, it would allow him to break out of the shell that has confined House, allowing him to create a fully-fledged and evil villain for our TV screens. There is very little drawback to Hugh Laurie playing the Time Lord, except it would feel right for him to play the other Time Lord. His ability to portray a character like House makes it believable for him to play the battle-scarred yet heroic Doctor, so despite the wishes of the writer, it is very unlikely that Laurie would play the Master, in fact be involved with Doctor Who at all. So who is going to be the prime candidate?

Me? I'm 17 years old, from Dawlish, Devon and studying (tirelessly) at Exeter College. I love pretty much anything, am a fan of numerous TV programmes and films, countless books and topics, from Sherlock to the Cold War, Doctor Who to Muse and my ambition is to become a journalist in any field which I have an interest in, and I hope to show my opinions (although varied) to the full.