Doctor Who: 5 Most Interesting Time Lords Other Than the Doctor

2. Romana

Romana Collage

Not all the interesting Time Lords are villains, by the way, as Romanadvoratrelundar, or Romana for short, proves. A Companion of the Fourth Doctor, Romana was a young Time Lady, fresh from the Academy, who very much clashed with the Doctor€™s eccentric lifestyle, considering him her intellectual inferior. Known as the €˜Ice Maiden€™ by her Time Lord peers, Romana accompanied the Doctor on his quest to find the pieces of the Key to Time scattered across the universe. Their relationship was rather frosty but the two grew to become friends so by the time she regenerated (for an unknown reason) the pair were inseparable. Romana II was much warmer and ready for adventure than her predecessor but still had a keen intelligence to at least match the Doctor€™s. When she eventually left his side to stay in another universe, the Doctor suggested the second was his favourite, saying €˜you were the noblest Romana of them all.€™
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