Doctor Who: 5 Most Intriguing Stories That Were Never Made

4. The Final Game

Final Game Perhaps the main overarching story for Jon Pertwee's tenure in the TARDIS was his Doctor's rivalry with his greatest enemy, the evil Time Lord known as, you all know it, the Master. So for the Third Doctor's swansong story it only made sense that it should feature a final confrontation between the pair. And, it was to reveal the true origins of the Master... The Master was either going to be exposed as the Doctor's own brother or, even more intriguingly, as the Id to the Doctor's Ego, in the terms of Freudian psychology. In other words, the dark side of the Doctor's nature given form. In the end, the Master would have sacrificed himself to save the Doctor, in what is thought would have been a final act of redemption for the villain. Sadly, the sudden death of actor Roger Delgado prevented this story from coming to screen, although it was replaced by the superb Planet of the Spiders. Clearly future Doctor Who writers were fascinated by the aborted ideas, however, as the notion that the Master is indeed the Doctor's brother was hinted at in 2007's The Sound of Drums and even almost said at the end of Fifth Doctor adventure Planet of Fire, when a trapped Master cried - 'How could you do this to your own-'. John Simm's Master also apparently redeemed himself in David Tennant's last episode The End of Time, as he saved the universe by sending the Time Lords back into the Time War. 'Never waist a good idea' is clearly a long-held belief amongst the Doctor Who writing team.
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