Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Why The 50th Anniversary Will Disappoint

3. The Eleventh Doctor is About to Say Goodbye

doctor who I know, no, he is not regenerating in the 50th, but we do know it is coming. Will The Doctor? Or is he lulled into a false sense of security following his escape from Trenzalore? Either way we, the audience, have it hanging over our heads for the duration of the special. The awareness of his death being imminent changes The Doctor. We've already seen a gloomy, heavy-hearted Eleventh Doctor. If that is who is with us during the anniversary special, we will not have the contrast between The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. Some of the best moments in the original multi-Doctor special €œThe Three Doctors€ are had poking fun at The Second Doctor's zaniness. We need the kind of Eleventh Doctor that was ready to sit down with little Amelia Pond to a bowl of fish fingers and custard. The bowtie-loving, fez-donning chap that would cause a repeat of the phrase €œwhat in the name of sanity have you got on your head?€
But if he is unaware, if he goes blissfully about his business, then that too is heartbreaking. Every line uttered by The Tenth Doctor about what it is like to know you have been replaced, to be gone, will sting all the more knowing The Eleventh Doctor's demise is not that far behind. Such considerations take away some of the fun, some of the lightness, that would have otherwise been there. Perhaps this criticism is a bit unfair. After all, this is mainly a case of poor timing. Let us look at something a little more deliberate.
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A person who thought a lot, then decided thinking with other people is more fun. If you fancy a chat, feel free to email