Doctor Who: 5 Reasons You Need To Watch Castrovalva

5. Fifth Doctor Debut

As previously stated, this was the first set of episodes for Peter Davison in the coveted role of the Doctor. As he was the youngest actor to hold the role at the time, many fans were wary of what this young man would bring to his portrayal of their favourite Time Lord. They needn't have worried, though, because h was able to quickly dispel any rumours regarding his inability to play the role as it was meant to be played. In order to make this debut a successful one (this was actually the fourth serial of season 19 to be filmed), Peter Davison had to be able to ease himself into his new role as the titular Time Lord. This allowed him to work out any jitters he might have had upon taking on the role, as well as get him familiar with the set so that he didn't fumble around looking for things on the TARDIS console. From 1981 to 1984, Peter Davison made the part his own and left an impression on a young man who would grow up and become a Doctor of his own, David Tennant. It is well known, and even stated in the 2007 Children in Need mini-episode Time Crash, that the Fifth Doctor was David Tennant's favourite Doctor. It's therefore a possibility that many fans wouldn't even have their Doctor without him latching on to the show watching his favourite Doctor. Now how's that for timey-wimey?

I am an avid fan of Doctor Who, Video Games and WWE Wrestling who is a 12 year medically retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I've been married for 14 years with two children, 10 and 8. As a stay at home father, I find myself with copious amounts of free time and have taken to writing as a way to give me something to do. I currently reside near Kansas City, Missouri in the United States but am originally from Chicago, Illinois.