Doctor Who: 5 Things I'd Like To See In The 12th Doctor

1. A Conflicted Time Lord

wc a1 6 This is a weirdly specific premise, but hear me out, I think it's a good one. The Ninth Doctor famously said, as he was about to regenerate, "I could have two heads. Or no head!" Now, I've never seen a Time Lord absent of any limb whatsoever, or looking at all different from a human being. Nor would I especially like to. It's just really to reinforce the idea that, through regeneration, the Doctor can become anyone. This is a fantastic premise, but one I don't think the show has really taken advantage of fully. Imagine this, if you will; the Doctor regenerates, and doesn't want to save the universe. He has no special penchant for heroics, or for saving innocents. He's a coward, essentially. Now, I know what you're thinking, that doesn't sound like it would make a very good TV show. Indeed not, but it would enable the Doctor to re-discover, through his companions or his situation, who he truly is. The Doctor is a hero, that is the essence of the man. But I would relish the chance to see him forget that, for a moment, only to re-discover it through his passion for the universe and for life, and for the audience to rediscover it along with him. For one thing, it would be a great access point for new viewers, and a magnificent way to refresh the show. I admit it's a weird premise, but it's one I'd love to see nonetheless.

Time Lord, Man of the Night's Watch, Crew of the good ship Serenity, Consulting Detective, Wasteland Wanderer and Survivor of the Zombie Apocalypse. I am none of these things. What I am is a peppy young teenage fellow preparing to study Creative Writing and Film at University, and until then basking in the glory of all things geeky and using the powers of an eloquent vocabulary to fight for justice. Well, as long as there's yoghurt in the fridge. Come check out my youtube if that be interestin' to ya.