Doctor Who: 5 Times The Cybermen Terrified Us

2. "My Name Was Jaqueline Tyler" - The Age Of Steel

Lone Cyberman Doctor Who
BBC Studios

After the successful revival of Doctor Who in 2005, it was only a matter of time before the Cybermen showed up again, and what a return we got. Wiping the slate clean on what had come before, Russell T Davies chose not to use the Mondasian version of the monsters, but introduce them as converted humans from a parallel Earth.

In The Age of Steel - the second part of their returning story - Rose Tyler and her parallel dad Pete encounter a Cyberman, who reveals they are a converted Jackie Tyler, a parallel version of Rose's Mum. While this in itself is horrifying enough, it is Rose's realisation that her mum in this world is dead that hits hardest.

At this point in the show, it's her journey we've been following and this is the first time she loses someone so close to her, in such a terrible way. Billie Piper's acting in this scene is incredible as she comes to realise the truth.

The Cybermen were back, and here to stay.

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Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.