Doctor Who: 5 Times The Cybermen Terrified Us

1. "We've Got Something For That" - World Enough And Time

Lone Cyberman Doctor Who

In 2017, 51 years after the metallic monsters were introduced, the show came full circle and the earliest versions of the Mondasian Cybermen showed up once more. For a modern audience, this was something that hadn't been seen before, and it was a brutal reminder of what the Mondasians had endured.

While we knew things weren't looking good for Bill at this point (she had been shot through the heart and had a metallic chest piece to survive), no-one actually expected her to be fully converted into a Cyberman. It was enough for her to endure the screams of converted Mondasians (this author still has nightmares with the word 'pain' repeatedly shouted). So, the moment when she is taken by the surgeons and shown a cybernetic helmet is like something from a horror movie - we know what's coming and it's a complete nightmare.

It's an emotionally draining cliffhanger of an episode, when the Doctor realises there's no way back for poor Bill. It's a personal moment for the Time Lord, and one she certainly hasn't forgotten going into this weekend's finale. Expect a big part of 'Ascension' to focus on the danger she's put her companions in.

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Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.