Doctor Who: 6 Best Individual Villain Performances

2. Jeremy Baines/Son Of Mine (Harry Lloyd, Human Nature, The Family Of Blood)

family of blood Harry Lloyd gained a bit more notice as Viserys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, but he proved his villainous chops here as schoolyard bully Baines and then the alien Son of Mine in the fan-favourite two-parter. Baines and Son of Mine were separate characters, Baines was the rich douche everyone experiences during their time at school and Son of Mine was the completely alien and disconcerting, terrifying character Doctor Who is famous for. He was the best out of the delightfully creepy Family of Blood, never blinking and making sniffing the air into something that sends chills down your spine. It shows the strength of Lloyd's acting that, like Jacobi, he could be two completely separate characters in spite of being in the same costume the entire time. Extra points due to his being a different kind of evil for both characters €“ schoolyard bully and murderous maniac. But what's the difference, really?
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I'm a 19 year old Arts student from Melbourne Australia, who finds it really awkward to write in third person. Other things I do awkwardly are watch TV and write far too much about fictional characters.