Doctor Who: 6 Reasons Russell T Davies & Steven Moffat BOTH Rock

5. The Show Keeps Getting Better

Header Image Classic Who had its appeal, but like original Star Trek it's not what a modern audience would call "good." So taking the spirit of the classic series and creating something modern is a cool project, and Moffat and Davies both did it wonderfully. Sure, there are a few hiccups, but who cares! Every year, the effects are getting better. The budget is getting bigger. The acting takes you places you never imagined, makes you think it can't get better, and then somehow does. The companions keep getting smarter and cooler and more fashionable. And the Doctor keeps being the Doctor, an utterly original character who can't be mistaken for anyone else. 22 It's still Who, and it's still climbing uphill. It feels like it could keep getting better forever.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at