Doctor Who: 6 Reasons Why the 50th Anniversary Will Not Disappoint

3. Celebrating The Past And The Future

Celebrating the Past and the Future Russell T Davies is an extremely talented man who produced some of Doctor Who€™s best ever episodes. However, when it came to finales such as Journey€™s End or the End of Time Part 2, sometimes, he filled them so much with the past that they become overwhelmed and, whilst remained rather good episodes, were too bogged down by their weight, that they never became hugely classic or excellent. This is because he celebrated the past too much; bringing back so many companions all at once. Even a 2 hour episode couldn't handle so many different characters and references coming together. But Moffat isn€™t innocent either; he too often attempts to celebrate the future, investing new mystery and arcs, forgetting about unresolved links. Fortunately, from what we know already, it seems that both of these, the past and future, will be celebrated in the anniversary. We have the Eleventh Doctor and the new companion, Clara, as well as Kate Stewart all looking to the future of the show and what the Christmas special and Eighth series hold for us; a celebration of all that it to come past 50 years of Doctor Who, showing the ongoing success and brilliance of the programme. However, we also have a lovely celebration of the past too. Without bringing up too many spoilers, we know we will definitely being seeing the Tenth Doctor, the classic villains the Zygons, the Daleks and the Cybermen, as well as the Lane where it all started. Therefore, there will be past, present and future all celebrated in the anniversary for sure, which is apt for a show like Who.
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