Doctor Who: 7 Better Fan Theories On Clara Oswin Oswald

6. She€™s River Song

600x300River Song Yeah, I said €˜better€™ fan theories. This one probably only would have been popular with Moffat himself, and when I first heard about this theory, my reaction was a 100 percent serious, €œNo. If that happens, I am done with this show.€ But it made sense. A flirty, sassy woman who does impossible things and survives impossible odds on various occasions €“ one who, unlike every main companion since Donna, does not meet River Song and is clearly shown in The Name of the Doctor to have little idea about who River is. It had a high degree of plausibility too €“ stuff to do with River Song is Steven Moffat€™s go-to plot. We were told that she was nothing more than human and after saving the Doctor in Let€™s Kill Hitler, River was nothing more than that, and she flirts with the Doctor like a champion. Though to be honest, that€™s what every female does with the Doctor these days. It was closely linked with the past episodes of the show and really tied in with Moffat€™s usual oeuvre. It€™s pretty clear the fandom as a whole is glad that the show didn€™t take this road. Plausibility: 6/10 (Moffat€™s tenure certainly has€clear characteristics) Popularity: 1/10 (Moffat€™s go-to twist certainly has€clearly worn out its welcome)

I'm a 19 year old Arts student from Melbourne Australia, who finds it really awkward to write in third person. Other things I do awkwardly are watch TV and write far too much about fictional characters.