Doctor Who: 7 Reasons Why The Twelfth Doctor Actually Sucks

5. He Always Puts Clara In Danger

For some reason, even when he knows in advance that their next destination would be very dangerous... the Twelfth Doctor would still take Clara there anyway. In one case, he brings Clara along to journey inside a Dalek, even if in his words it is the €œmost dangerous place in the universe". In another case, he forcefully brings her along to a mission specifically to make contact with a possibly powerful monster that he doesn€™t fully understand, but entertained the possibility that it could easily kill them. In another case, he brings her along to a bank heist, knowing full well what they had to face was a monster that could kill them by just thought alone. And then he took her along on a train ride knowing that the enemy had put a trap on it. The list goes on and on. The other Doctors take their companions to dangerous destinations too, of course, but they usually only know about the danger when they arrive and it€™s too late to go back. The idea is that the Doctor can take people to the wonders of the universe, but they should know it comes with a risk that they can come across dangerous along the way. It is the decision of the companion if he or she will risk it. How can anyone justify the Twelfth Doctor bringing someone along if he knows the dangers in advance? To be fair, most of the other Doctors do it too once in a while. With them, though, it was so few and far between that you need to think a little longer to find an episode where it happened. But the Twelfth did it almost every episode, so it€™s pretty to miss.
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Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.