5. Sally Sparrow

Episode: Blink (series 3) Sally Sparrows episode is our first encounter with the Weeping Angels. She doesnt actually meet the Doctor in person until the very end and only for a few moments. They interact mainly through pre-recorded snippets on a string of DVDs. Because of this she almost takes the Doctors place in the story she receives advice from him but she figures most things out for herself and is the main instigator of the action. She even loses a close friend to the ravages of time something the Doctor must deal with quite often. Blink is hailed as one of the best episodes of the new Who era even though the Doctor is not the main focus. This is mainly due to the genius of Steven Moffats writing in bringing Sally to vivid life. If youre going to remove the Doctors charisma from the majority of the tale you better fill that void with a character equally compelling. Sallys strength is not so much that she is super woman but that she is utterly believable. She doesnt have all the answers, special fighting skills or prior experience yet she handles this impossible situation with intelligence and courage rendering her instantly relatable. Its easy to imagine yourself in Sallys place and she becomes more than a character in a fairy tale. You feel as if you know her, or could know her, or will know her. For those forty-odd minutes she is as real as she can be, and after you view her journey she is impossible to forget.