Doctor Who: 7 Wishes For Season 8

4. Two-Parters


Here€™s my theory on the lack of two-parters in series 7. I think it has way more to do with catering to American commercial interests than with the requirements of a story. I say this as an American and it makes me sad. So many of the episodes of series 7 have felt rushed and incomplete. A couple of them (looking at you €œThe Rings of Akhaten€) felt badly in need of editing. American hour-long drama shows include around 22 minutes or so for commercials. To sell to the American market you are forced into this format. Two-parters are discouraged and while there is nothing wrong with standalone episodes, it would be nice to occasionally take the time to explore a story a little further. I think a lot of writers have struggled with the time constraints of modern Who and consequently characters are undeveloped and endings have felt tacked on. Some stories take a little longer to be told €“ and that should be OK.

Mary Ogle is the author and illustrator of “Orangeroof Zoo” a whimsical tale of magical realism told through the pages of a coloring book for adults. Working as a professional artist in the digital medium, Mary’s commissions have included everything from fine art to fan art, book cover design, illustration and book layout. Find more of Mary’s work at Mary currently finds inspiration in the Ojai Valley, residing in a snug little cottage with a recalcitrant cat.