Doctor Who: 8 Characters Who Should Return in Series 9

8. The War Doctor

Let's start with the - sadly - least likely entry on our list. Only appearing in the 50th anniversary birthday bash The Day of the Doctor (if you don't count his cameos in Name and Night of the Doctor, that is), the War Doctor is a whole incarnation of our hero that fans have hardly even seen. The pain would be alleviated somewhat if he made a teeny-weeny reappearance this year, however... There's so very little known about the War Doctor that anything new with him would be fantastic. Last year's Listen cleverly did this by reintroducing the barn that the War Doctor visited in Day. The quick glimpse ol' Warry in the scene - even if it was just a bit of reused footage - made every Doctor Who fan's heart(s) skip a beat. It might be a bit indulgent to bring back the War Doctor fully, though, and not to mention difficult, too, what with John Hurt always being busy. Another small extra addition to what is already known about the War Doctor this year would make many a fan very happy (Doctor Who fanatics can't help it if they're completists - have you seen their DVD shelves?!).
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