Doctor Who: 8 Characters Who Should Return in Series 9

2. Seb

Seb made several appearances in Series 8 as Missy's right-hand man, so if the Queen of Evil is returning in Series 9 then surely her assistant in the afterlife can't be too far away either? Granted, he did get atomised by Missy in Death in Heaven, but that was only in the Nethersphere, wasn't it? It's highly possible, then, that was just an AI version of the real Seb. Hopefully so, as Seb's gawky bureaucrat made for a great foil to Missy's short tempered insanity. And the Doctor always has a companion, so why can't the Master? The real reason he needs to come back is so he can have a face-off against the Twelfth Doctor, something that sadly never happened last year, despite Chris Addison and Peter Capaldi being old co-stars on sitcom The Thick of It. Come on, Moffat, make it right!
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