Doctor Who: 8 Great Eighth Doctor Audio Stories

1. Lucie Miller/To the Death (Eighth Doctor Adventures, 2010)

€it€™s complicated. It€™s not me, it€™s you. I can€™t tell you too much about this story. Not without seriously spoiling it. Suffice to say that this story features pretty much every major player from the Eighth Doctor Adventures, including the Doctor, Lucie, Tamsin, the Monk, Susan, Alex and the Daleks. It€™s an amazing tale that€™s chock-full of so much drama that it really has to be heard to be believed. It€™s also got one of the most €œOMFG!€ endings I€™ve ever experienced with any entertainment medium. It€™s been two years since this story was first released, and we still have to wait until December to (hopefully), get some sort of resolution. Given the traumatic events that occurred in this story, I have no idea where Big Finish is going to go next, but I seriously can€™t wait to find out, and I have a dark feeling we€™re going to see how this Doctor became the one who wound up destroying the Daleks in the Time War. It€™s a pity that more people haven€™t experienced the Eighth Doctor stories. He really is a wonderful character, and McGann clearly loves playing him. We might never get him back on TV (though McGann has said he€™s willing, so here€™s to hoping), but at least we can follow him in these stories and in the novels.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at