Doctor Who: 8 News Stories That Never Die

5. Classic Doctors Are Back!

Eastenders Danny Dyer

In the run-up to the 50th anniversary, a well-known Doctor Who fan site that shall remain nameless posted that all the classic Doctors would be back for the anniversary special. While, in some respect, that was actually bang-on, it was made up and based on no prior knowledge. The Radio Times let the cat out of the bag about Tom Baker's appearance in Day of the Doctor, but generally, multi-Doctor rumours turn out to be false. They are, however, the bread and butter of fan speculation.

Nothing gets fans more excited than the prospect of a multi-Doctor story, and the press knows this. It's why, in 2009, a rumour did the rounds in Doctor Who fan circles about Paul McGann starring alongside David Tennant in a story about Hannibal in the Alps. While it sounds like the output feed of the Big Finish story generator, it was false.

Recently, rumours around past Doctors are circulating once more with regards to both the BBC's centenary and the 60th anniversary special. For now, it remains to be seen whether these will turn out to be true or whether they'll go the way of Hannibal.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.