Doctor Who: 8 Reasons Donna Noble Saved The Doctor

5. Breaking The Doctor's Walls (The Doctor's Daughter)

Doctor Who Donna Noble Partners In Crime

The Doctor's Daughter served to continue the softening of Donna, who had still held on to her hard-earned barriers, while being a great foil for The Doctor. However, she is baffled by his reaction to Jenny, the cloned daughter, created by the progenation machine on the planet Messeline.

The Doctor tries to treat Jenny as simply a genetic abnormality, a clone not to be treated as real. This surprised and disappoints Donna who, in the midst of all of the problems surrounding them with the war and the search for Martha, takes the time to discover that Jenny, like The Doctor, has two heartbeats.

Regardless of how she was created, Donna forces The Doctor to accept the fact that Jenny is his daughter and that he has to let her in. This serves the dual role of forcing The Doctor to relive the memories of losing everyone in the Time War, but also opens his hearts to having a family again.

Please - if anyone from the BBC is reading this - bring Jenny back!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick