Doctor Who: 8 Reasons Donna Noble Saved The Doctor

2. The Doctor Donna (Journey's End)

Doctor Who Donna Noble Partners In Crime

This would be the ultimate moment that allowed Donna Noble to show the universe why she was the most important person in it, even if only for a short time. The Human-Time Lord Metacrisis had reverberated back through time, dogging Donna throughout her adventures with The Doctor. Little did she know, she would transform and become part-Time Lord herself.

By simply touching the Doctor's handy spare hand, the regeneration energy within creates a new Doctor while turning Donna into a part-Time Lord, creating something of a triumverate of Doctors. Though both 'male' Doctors are quickly overcome by Davros, it is Donna who saves both of them, plus everyone else on Earth and the remaining planets by taking command of the Daleks and Davros himself.

This save would have devastating consequences for Donna, but for a shining moment in all of space and time, Donna Noble was the ultimate saviour of existence itself - not bad for a Supertemp from Chiswick!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick