Doctor Who: 8 Reasons It Will Be Better After Matt Smith

7. Clara Should Be Better

600300clara5 Here's another hot button topic for many fans right now. The Doctor's current companion started her show run with a pretty cool debut in Asylum of the Daleks and a good turn in The Snowmen. Yet following her first two episodes she hit a pretty big dry spell. The stories were average, her acting was a little cheesy at times (Ghostbusters!), and for some reason she just didn't seem to connect. My biggest problem with Clara is there was no reason to care about her for several episodes. Sure, the Doctor clearly was interested in her but her character was pretty bland and we didn't know exactly what the big deal was until towards the end of Season 7. Well, now we know. Clara sacrificed herself to save the Doctor (and the universe) and the Doctor got to solve his riddle. Now the two are free to explore the palpable romantic tension that has developed between them. Except Clara's Doctor isn't going to make it to season 8. The man she came to know (and love?) is being replaced by a much older Doctor. As we saw with Rose and the Tenth, there will be some adjusting after the regeneration. Even more exciting is the Doctor's character change that appears to be on the horizon. Clara will have to deal with a totally new personality, one that I think (hope) is going to be a major departure from the last two Doctors. Where Eleven was a goofy, fun loving, yet hauntingly damaged, big kid, the signs point towards the Doctor's past coming back to haunt him for the 50th Anniversary and beyond. Which brings us to.....

A longtime fan of all things Science Fiction, gamer, cinefile, voracious reader and triathlete (one of these things is not like the other). You can find examples of my science fiction writings as well as updates on a hopefully upcoming novel at