Doctor Who: 8 Things That Must Happen In Series 12

5. Give The Doctor Some Hefty Back-story

Doctor Who

The series just gone by has hinted at some dark times, past and present, for The Doctor. With bold ventures already taken in the Doctor Who timeline, next series should be the one to spill the beans on some juicy Doctor Who history.

There are certain secrets of The Doctor's past that many viewers have regarded as sacrosanct, and therefore should be kept as secrets. However, with each recent regeneration, a little more about The Doctor's early years have been unveiled. And this tradition by all rights should continue for the sake of character development.

That doesn't mean to say that everything should be spilled. But hints have been dropped, so now it's time for the writers to make good on them.

What was The Doctor's family like? What was his/her childhood life like? These are things that we have always known the bare minimum of. Whittaker's input into the role could make this the appropriate occasion to find out the answers. Times are a'changing in TV land so now is probably a good time to take the risk.

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