Doctor Who: 9 Greatest Stories Not Yet Adapted

2. Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A personal favorite moment in European history, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot would make a very cool "alternate history" story on Doctor Who. In case you aren't obsessed with this November 5th holiday like I am, here's a brief explanation. In 1605, a group of men lead by Robert Catesby and including Guy Fawkes planned the Gunpowder Plot. The plan was to kill King James I by blowing up the House of Lords from underneath, by igniting a large amount of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was set to guard the gunpowder but an anonymous tip sent authorities to the House of Lords and found Fawkes guarding the gunpowder. He was questioned, locked up, tortured, broke and soon killed himself. But who wrote the letter? Was Fawkes set up? What would have happened if they had been able to restore the Catholic monarch to power by offing King James I? So many unanswered questions for the Doctor to answer! Maybe he was there to help? Or maybe he intercepted the letter out of curiosity and then had to decide whether or not he would deliver it and if the Gunpowder Plot was a "fixed point" in time! It would be an action packed episode complete with history and conspiracy and gunpowder and royalty.
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Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for