Doctor Who: 9 Reasons Peter Capaldi Could Be The Best Doctor Ever

2. The Darker Tone

Having looked back over Series 8, it may well be that Twelve started off with a darker tone with the intention to give the Doctor an emotional journey throughout his run. Whilst this is an excellent plot device, fans should hope that this Doctor doesn€™t change too much during his tenure in the TARDIS. A touchy-feely Twelve should be avoided at all costs. His ability to look at the bigger picture should be central to his motivation. Throughout this series there have been moments of true horror and moments where previous Doctors would have broken down. €œHe was already dead€ was a response to death from Into the Dalek which would likely have been replaced by an angst-ridden apology from Ten, or a tearful tribute from Eleven. Whilst this is what made these Doctorss so likeable, the Twelfth Doctor€™s ability to sacrifice the few for the sake of the many can make him seem cold and heartless. He has difficulty in warming to new people, too. His bond with Clara goes back much further than his latest regeneration and the Twelfth Doctor has been seen to find new interactions difficult. He€™s tactless, he€™s annoying and, in most cases, extremely arrogant which makes it all the more impressive when those he saves show him the respect and gratitude he deserves. It€™s a new way for the Doctor to interact and one that has created some memorable and hilarious moments already. It€™s also a tribute to some of the early Doctors. William Hartnell was older, Colin Baker was somewhat arrogant and Sylvester McCoy was, in many cases, just downright mean. Still, they were all loved in their own way, and a little bit of each, and more, has contributed to Twelve€™s persona. Let€™s just hope he€™s around long enough to really flesh it out.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.