Doctor Who: 9 Reasons Peter Capaldi Could Be The Best Doctor Ever

3. Relationships

"The last two Doctors have been 'your boyfriend' Doctors. It was time for the show to flip around. The new version of the show is quite old now." Steven Moffat€™s quote from just under a year ago to describe the changes from Eccleston, Tennant and Smith to the older Capaldi. And let€™s be honest, he couldn€™t be closer to the truth. Whilst the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors were all completely different, there was one way they were all exactly the same. Companions often felt more than just friendship when it came to their alien pilot. Rose Tyler was in love with both Nine and Ten, who was then followed by Martha Jones who harboured unrequited feelings for Tennant€™s Doctor. Donna Noble was the only companion who was just a friend, yet even during that series fans met River Song who, as it turns out, could well be the Doctor€™s wife. Next came the doe eyed and youthful Amy Pond. Miss Pond became Mrs Williams at the end of her first series but she still started off trying her raggedy man. Finally, there's Clara Oswald, the impossible girl, who couldn€™t be further from flirtatious. Of course, Missy called the Doctor €œher boyfriend€ and the likelihood is that River will pop up again at some point, but with Twelve fans don€™t see the Doctor handing out hugs without just cause. Clara€™s been lucky to even get a hand shake on most occasions and when she has managed to receive that fabled hug, it€™s ultimately an awkward experience. Twelve is a friend at best and an eccentric, sometimes insane, uncle figure at worst. It€™s a different dynamic that should continue to be explored. Could viewers maybe see more of Jenny in the future? The Doctor€™s progeny would provide multiple angles for entertainment. For a start, he thinks she€™s dead, and, most importantly, she just so happens to be his daughter! How much more would he fear for her safety than those mere mortals he calls friend?

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.