Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

1. Turning Over A Nu-Leaf

At long last, you€™ve made it to the final part of the routine - the part where you finally welcome the Doctor with open arms. You finally come to terms with the inevitable and at the same time proceed to conclude that it might not have been the actor you disliked or the course the show seems to be heading towards (which is another story entirely). Through it all, he is now on the road to becoming €œyour€ Doctor. The theme song that you previously disliked is now something that encourages you to watch another episode. The TARDIS that you suspected had somehow changed still makes the wonderful sound that you love. The rugged old man that you couldn€™t imagine ever getting used to is now someone you can€™t get enough of. His sarcasm and absolute bluntness doesn€™t make you flinch like it used to - it€™s actually one of your favorite quirks of his. With that being said, you now have favourites regarding the Doctor! Everything€™s fantastic again as you recall that this is exactly what you felt when you met the last Doctor and the one before him, and... again, the list goes on. You recall how difficult it was the last ten times you have had to say goodbye to a Doctor and say hello to the next and even let out a laugh or two at the fact that you attempted to give up on the series altogether. You can now sit back and binge-watch all that you have missed during the course of this period of acceptance and maybe go ahead and reward yourself with a jammy dodger or two for exceptional effort. You deserve it. What do you think of this list? Do you have any tips on how to welcome a new Doctor? Share them in the comments below.

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