Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

2. Last Of The Hatred

Even though the new Doctor isn€™t to your liking (yet), you watch the series anyhow because of the storyline. That€™s what attracted you to the show in the first place but really, it was the whole idea of time travel and that is ultimately what really matters. You watch as the new Doctor seems to fit in fine with the current ongoings and you even begin to anticipate his next move, his every next dialogue... You slowly start referring to him as the Doctor instead of the €œnew Doctor€. His style and manner amazes you and, believe it or not, you even go back to the 50th anniversary special to witness closely the first time he made his appearance. His Scottishness charms you to death and so does his awkwardness at most human interactions that the previous regenerations were better at. PLUS you cannot get more of the elusive sense of emotion he shows during rare moments in the show. When you really think about it, this was all meant to be. He€™s been here all his life, waiting, while you€™ve been living at a much slower pace. After all, he did help freeze Gallifrey. Is this the beginning of a new relationship? You admit the fact that it might just be.

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