Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

5. Make Fun Of What's Ood

While it depends on the era of the Doctor you started €œtravelling€ the entirety of the universe with, you€™re pretty used to the Doctor having a quirky statement the minute he regenerates. This later goes on to become one of his defining moments and are complaints about him not being ginger, having new teeth, funny-looking ears or even the fear of being a girl. You€™ve heard it all and you loved it. Then again, while you€™re at your phase of intense disapproval, you notice that the new Doctor mentions nothing about being ginger. All he speaks about is how he hates the color of his kidneys and, what€™s more, he knows absolutely nothing about flying the TARDIS. What!? Get a load of this guy! You give it your all and make fun of the new guy wherever you can and however you can, starting from the way he dresses to the way he portrays himself. It€™s one of the best things you could possibly have thought of doing and you do it for days, even months, because there really couldn€™t be a better rebuttal to being handed a sloppy €œreplacement€. It makes you feel better and makes the new Doctor seem ridiculous. It€™s a win-win situation in your head.

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